Faith (English)

As fish can’t live without water, a child of God can’t live without faith.

Faith seems simple but complex.

What is the true nature of faith?
The answer to this can be seen in part when we examine the faith of two men of bible: Abraham (Ge 15:5,6) & Thomas (Jn 20:24,25).
Abraham, the father of faith is a model of right kind of faith, even though he was not perfect.

After the resurrection of Jesus, Thomas was found at a low ebb of faith.
Abraham exercised faith without seeing what he believed. Thomas said unless I see, I will not believe.

Abraham’s faith was based on God’s Word. Thomas did not believe on Jesus’ word prior to his death and his faith was based on feelings. He said that unless he placed his hands on Jesus’ wounds and feel them, he would not believe.

If we follow the father of faith we will grow in faith.


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