'English' tagged sermons (Page 3)

God is our Rock (English)

He is the Rock of Security. This world is Topsy – turvy. He alone is absolute. He gives us stability and helps us to be secure. He is the Rock of Provision. In God’s mountain, he provides for our needs. Jesus is our rock and in him all our needs are met. He is the […]

Blessing for Refugees (English)

Ruth 2:12 – Reward from the Lord God Ruth 2:16 – Protection from fellow workers Ruth 2:17 – Provision for daily living Ruth 3:13 – Promise for secured future Ruth 4:22 – Preparation for Godly generation   Romans 8:29 – To be conformed to the image of his son Jesus Christ Compassion – Ruth (Ruth […]

Faith (English)

As fish can’t live without water, a child of God can’t live without faith. Faith seems simple but complex. What is the true nature of faith? The answer to this can be seen in part when we examine the faith of two men of bible: Abraham (Ge 15:5,6) & Thomas (Jn 20:24,25). Abraham, the father […]