Sermons on Genesis

Faith (English)

As fish can’t live without water, a child of God can’t live without faith. Faith seems simple but complex. What is the true nature of faith? The answer to this can be seen in part when we examine the faith of two men of bible: Abraham (Ge 15:5,6) & Thomas (Jn 20:24,25). Abraham, the father […]

God given vision shall be fulfilled (Tamil)

1. Habakkuk 2:2-3 – God’s vision, dream, prophesy and promise will not delay 2. Genesis 37:7,9 – God’s Vision concerning your family shall be fulfilled 3. Exodus 3:3,10 – God’s Vision concerning your calling and career shall be fulfilled 4. Daniel 2:31 -God’s Vision concerning political & government rules shall be fulfilled 5. Acts 10:11,13 […]